Latex text editor linux
Latex text editor linux

  • I used another simple sed script to get rid of empty lines and page breaks.
  • After this preprocessing, I compiled to DVI and ran catdvi -s.
  • I don't publish the script here, since that it is really specific to my-own style and conventions.
  • I used a sed script to do some more fine-tuning, like adding periods to section names and description labels.
  • I removed line numbers using the nopageno package.
  • This is required so that captions won't break the paragraphs when transforming to plain text.
  • I arranged for all floats to hold their positions using the floats package and the H option.
  • I managed to do it using the following trick: Therefore, I needed to convert my LaTeX document to as plain as possible text document - Not a simple task. LanguageTool is a very nice standalone, Java-based grammar checker.

    Latex text editor linux